The Pioneer India - maggio 2020

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Menzione dell'intervento del dr. Morandi per l'Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) in occasione della Giornata Mondiale per la Diversità Culturale, per il Dialogo e lo Sviluppo sul quotidiano indiano "The Pioneer", uno dei più antichi giornali indiani in lingua inglese.

To observe the World Culture Day, the third Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial International Oration will be held online on Thursday.

The Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial International Oration will be conducted by Dr Antonio Morandi, Ayurveda Expert from Italy. The event is being organised by Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) headquaters.

In this regards, the live-streaming of the event is scheduled on May 21 at 3 pm on ICCR’s FB live, Twitter live, YouTube live and Instagram live. Hence, ICCR Bhopal office is wishing to have the extensive publicity to the above event through social media platforms so as to reach out this to wide audience. Antonio Morandi is Medical Doctor, Specialist in Neurology and graduated in Ayurveda (Ayurveda Academy, Pune, India and Joytinat International College of Ayurveda), since 2001 is Founder and Director of “Ayurvedic Point”, Milan, Italy and President of the Italian Scientific Society for Ayurvedic Medicine (SSIMA).

The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development is a United Nations–sanctioned international holiday for the promotion of diversity issues. It is currently held on May 21.

Diversity Day, officially known as "The World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development", is an opportunity to help communities understand the value of cultural diversity and learn how to live together in harmony. This day was created as a result of the destruction of the Buddha statues of Bamiyan in Afghanistan in 2001.

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Dr. Antonio Morandi Medico Ayurvedico | Ayurvedic Point©, Milano

Dr. Antonio Morandi

Direttore della Scuola Ayurvedic Point

Medico, Neurologo ed Āyurveda Vaidya (Āyurveda Academy, Pune, India - Joytinat International College of Āyurveda), è co-fondatore, assieme a Carmen Tosto, di Ayurvedic Point di cui è Chairman e Direttore dal 2002 della Scuola di Āyurveda “Ayurvedic Point”, certificata ISO 9001:2015 e il cui Corso per Tecnici è qualificato secondo la normativa UNI 11756:2019. Il Dr. Morandi è anche Presidente della Società Scientifica Italiana di Medicina Ayurvedica (S.S.I.M.A.)

Author: jole



L'ultimo libro
del dr. Antonio Morandi
e di Carmen Tosto

Seconda Edizione Ampliata

Alla scoperta dell'essenza del pensiero medico indiano


L'ultimo libro
del dr. Antonio Morandi
e di Carmen Tosto

Seconda Edizione Ampliata

Alla scoperta dell'essenza del pensiero medico indiano