Valutazione farmacologica del Dhanyamla

Valutazione Farmacologica del Dhanyamla | Ayurvedic Point©, Milano

Ranasinghe R.L.D.S1, Ediriweera E.R.H.S.S.2
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
ISSN 2320-5091
Volume 3; Issue 3; March-2015


Il termine "Dhanyamla" è composto da due parole distinte, "Dhanya" e "Amla", e ha il significato esteso di "cereali fermentati". Dhanyamla ha un grande valore terapeutico. È ampiamente usato in India, ma non in Sri Lanka. Questo studio si propone di valutare le proprietà di Dhanyamla e di far conoscere ai medici i suoi benefici.

I dati sono stati raccolti dai testi autentici di Ayurveda e dalle fonti elettroniche. Secondo Sahasra Yoga, il Dhanyamla si ottiene fermentando Tandula (Oryza Sativa), Pruthuka (pressato di Oryza Sativa), Kulattha (Macrotyloma uniflorum), Laja (Oryza sativa soffiata), Kangubeeja (Panicum sumatrense) Kodrava (Paspalum scrobiculatum), Nagara (Zingiber officinale) Nimbuka (Citrus aurantifolia), Deepyaka (Trachyspermum involucratum) e acqua. Secondo l'Ayurveda, il Dhanyamla ha proprietà di Amla Rasa; Laghu, Teeskna e Snigdha Guna; Ushna Veerya e Amla Vipaka. Il Dhanyamla può essere applicato internamente ed esternamente. La somministrazione orale di Dhanyamla aumenta l'appetito e migliora la digestione. Viene utilizzato in Asthapana Vasti e Virechana nella terapia Panchakarma per ottenere effetti Lekhana.
Esternamente viene utilizzato in Parisheka Sweda, Nadi Sweda, Avagaha Sweda, Shiro Dhara, Shiro Vasti e Alepa. L'utilizzo di Dhanyamla è vantaggioso in Amavata, Urustambha, Arshas, ​​Vruddhi, Athisthaulya, Rajayakshma, Prathishyaya, Vidradhi, Daha, Peenasa e Jvara. In conclusione, Dhanyamla è una medicina che può essere utilizzata come trattamento multiforme.

1 Medical Officer, MD (Ayu) Scholar
2 Professor, Department of Nidana Chikitsa, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka





A pharmacological appraisal of Dhanyamla

Ranasinghe R.L.D.S1, Ediriweera E.R.H.S.S.2
International Ayurvedic Medical Journal
ISSN 2320-5091
Volume 3; Issue 3; March-2015



The term “Dhanyamla” is comprised of two discrete words, viz "Dhanya" and "Amla" which gives an extensive meaning of "fermented cereal". Dhanyamla has a great therapeutic value. It is widely used in India but not in Sri Lanka. This effort is to evaluate the properties of Dhanyamla and to make physicians familiar with its benefits. Data were collected from the authentic Ayurveda texts and electronic sources. According to Sahasra Yoga, Tandula (Oryza Sativa), Pruthuka (pressed from Oryza Sativa), Kulattha (Macrotyloma uniflorum), Laja (Puffed from Oryza sativa), Kangubeeja (Panicum Sumatrense) Kodrava (Paspalum scrobiculatum), Nagara (Zingiber officinale), Nimbuka (Citrus aurantifolia), Deepyaka (Trachyspermum involucratum) and water are fermented to make Dhanyamla. According to Ayurveda, Dhanyamla has properties of Amla Rasa; Laghu, Teeskna and Snigdha Guna; Ushna Veerya and Amla VipakaDhanyamla can be applied internally and externally. Oral administration of Dhanyamla enhances appetite and digestive power. It is used in Asthapana Vasti and Virechana in Panchakarma therapy to obtain Lekhana effects. 
Externally it is used in Parisheka Sweda, Nadi Sweda, Avagaha Sweda, Shiro Dhara, Shiro Vasti and Alepa. Using Dhanyamla is beneficial in Amavata, Urustambha, Arshas, Vruddhi, Athisthaulya, Rajayakshma, Prathishyaya, Vidradhi, Daha, Peenasa and Jvara. It is concluded that Dhanyamla is a medicine which can be used as a multifaceted treatment.    

1 Medical Officer, MD (Ayu) Scholar
2 Professor, Department of Nidana Chikitsa, Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka




Author: Dr. Antonio Morandi

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